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Featured Member : Bowman Gray IV

Bowman Gray found his passion for photography while borrowing his parents 35mm camera. In high school he was gifted a Pentax K1000 that was completely manual. When asked what he enjoyed about photography he said" It forced him to look at things with more care ".


About 10 or 11 years ago, he was encouraged to print and be in his first art show with the Associated Artists of Winston Salem and there is where he journey into the professional art world began.


Furthering his photography journey, Bowman decided to experiment and started to photograph images to go along with a book that meant a lot to him throughout his teenage and early 20's " As a Man Thinketh " by James Allen.

Allen re-released a coffee table version 10 years ago with Bowman's photography and Allen's words.


Bowman works in a digital format shooting mostly landscapes with some still lifes and street photography.

You can find Bowman's work on his website, and at Gallery VI. Bowman is also open to commissions as well.

September Exhibitions and Openings

September 6, 2019 : DADA 1st Friday Gallery Hop

Images courtesy of Allison Hutchins Art and Photography

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